
Finally the day has come, I am a real adult…? And no I’m not talking about turning 18, been there done that. Plus it’s just a really old teenager. I’m not sure anyone at that age should make real adult decisions, whatever those are… 

I have finally graduated from college. I am a graduate. And yet I don’t really feel qualified to type that sentence. It honestly feels like a waste. A waste of a good education on me. Someone who has no idea what to do or where to go. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a lot of fun having no direction and everyone asking what I’m doing with life now and my plans for the future. It does get difficult to keep up the look of interest in conversations when people feel the need to give me their opinions and advice. All while asking millions of questions of what my interests are. I know, I know I’m not the only grad in this position and while that is comforting to know, it’s still frustrating. Especially those who reassure me that everthing is going to work out. I know. That’s my problem. I’m not at all worried and a lot less concerned than I should be. Is it really all that terrible to work minimum wage for the rest of my life? Because right now, it doesn’t seem so bad. Also can I just put it out there that college is terrible? You attend it for 4 years (average student with minimal workload or double major, I chose the former), becoming attached and happy with all your friends, and then you are forced to leave. Usually because of a lack of money and student loan debt already being too high. Anyway, you make a new home for yourself and create friendships with people you’ve spent more time with than most people in your family. Just to have it ripped away from you when you graduate. Which is supposed to be a happy occasion and a great accomplishment. Not only that, but I do not feel prepared for the real world at all, definitely not a real job. I’m sure it’s just one of many of life’s lessons to be learned here blah blah blah… Really I just wanted to complain, because if we’re honest with ourselves that’s all we ever want in this life. That and food. And sleep, especially day sleep. And to binge watch Netflix.

Dude, Where’s My Orange?

A couple months ago I went grocery shopping and bought two oranges, as well as other things of course. I know, this is already a top notch story, but I’m going to continue anyway. Well after the store I came home bringing all my groceries with me, including the two oranges. A few hours after putting everything in its place I went to the kitchen to get one of the oranges. Upon arriving at my destination I notice something was wrong… There was only one orange. I looked all around and on the ground and seriously questioned whether I actually bought two oranges or just one. I went as far as checking the receipt to make sure. I had in fact purchased two. I only noticed one of my housemates enter the kitchen during those few hours and I don’t recall her ever peeling or eating an orange… Now I know you’re wondering why the oranges are so important and why after two months I haven’t let it go… Days before I bought the oranges, I witnessed someone devouring an orange and I wanted one ever since. As for why I can’t seem to let it go, one of my housemates recently bought oranges and it reminded me about it. It brings up all these unanswered questions. Kind of like that Inception movie but worse because no one smarter than me watched the events from the TV and is therefore able to tell me exactly what happened to my orange.

It’s Been Ages

So it’s been forever and a half since posting anything on the blogasphere. There was nothing worthy to report for the summer months. I basically worked and napped and snacked and repeat. However my only excuse for not writing for an entire semester is pure forgetfulness and laziness. Which is a deadly combination and should be taken with caution. Though if I’m going to be completely honest not much happened this semester. It was kind of a let down now that I think about it. How is it that every semester I tend to hang out with less and less people? My friends must be scaring them away… Or they are dealing with their own busy lives, leaving lowlife people like me who have no idea what to do alone and sad. It’s safe to say I am not any closer to figuring out my life and so much closer to having to have known yesterday. I’ve recently gotten a fortune cookie that told me I would travel to exotic places. So look out world I coming. I think my first stop will be moving into a different room back home? Because it’s looking like that’s as exotic as my life will be with my high paying job of being unemployed.

On a more positive note, I have found a new best friend that goes by the name Whipped Cream Vodka. She has yet to steer me wrong. She’s sneaky sweet and has made some of the worst days turn into not so bad days and just overall rounds out the group dynamic. We all love and adore her. Most days she would most definitely rank higher than Coffee, but please don’t tell Coffee I can’t afford to lose anyone else right now. In all seriousness, it is the most exciting thing that has happened to me and my friends this semester. You can put it in almost everything and it’s wonderfully dangerous. We are sad and easily amused people.

I did take a PE class this semester, tennis, where I learned that after weeks of attending I still know nothing about tennis. Crazy similar to all the other classes I take. Christmas is a much needed break… from all the DVDs I’ve had to watch from lack of cable and convenient access to Netflix (possibly a reason for not ever knowing what’s going on in class?). I finally have all the hours to devote to mindless TV and everything in my Netflix list and more. I’ve been waiting months for the friendless distractions and absolutely nothing else to do to catch up on all the shows and movies my eyes can possibly take. I’m hoping to reach a new record of 300 hrs this break. That’s 12 hrs for every day I will be home, for those of you who like the mathematical breakdown.

I will try my hardest to do better about sharing the fantastical stories that are my life. However present me will apologize now for future me not doing that.